Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Want to help but don't know how?

Adopt a Classroom is a way for parents,grandparents, businesses etc to help out 
local schools. I would like to add another Ipad for the classroom as well as 
add some apps that are not free to add to the already awesome technology 
that is the interactive board and current Ipad.  We are also looking for good 
headphones as ours are not very reliable. Please pass along this link to 
anyone thatmight be interested in helping us out.  We would even take Itunes 
cards for the apps. 
Now on to the classroom! Speaking of Ipads...I downloaded the CD's for 
books on tape and cd onto the Ipadso the children can read along 
without the messing up the buttons on the cd player.  They LOVE it.
We have started La Tortuga, a Mexican fairy tale.  The children are beginning 
to learn basic Spanish words and this will continue all year long.  So far we 
have learned La Tortuga: the turtle, Hola: hello and Adios: good bye.
They enjoy using their new words! Yellow is our new color and we are starting 
the concept of circling answers.It seems so basic and yet it is such an 
interesting concept to learn for a young one. Ee is our letter of the week,
so start pointing it out during reading time or while looking at tv etc. I am 
sending home a note tomorrow with some cool technology ideas that will 
help you help your child practice at home without even realizing they are
practicing school work!
This week is fire safety week.  We did have a fire truck stop by last week, 
but this week, we will be able to get upclose with a real fire fighter.  Mr. C 
will be showing us his equipment and explaining all about his job 
and how we can be as safe as possible. 
In Religion, we finished talking about forgiveness and what it actually means.   
Talk to your child about this. We learned how Joseph was able to forgive his 
brothers, because God is able to forgive us for all we do.  This week, we are 
talking about Moses and how he was one of God's most important helpers.   
Finally, housekeeping: 
 Part time and half days are encouraged to come! 
2. Dress for the weather. 
3. If your child brings pennies for pies this week, they will be able to have a 
jammie day on Halloween.We don't' do costumes at LUSA, so the kids 
love that they get to do this special treat.  
4. PLEASE clean folders daily. You will have something to take out daily.   
Until next week, God's blessings on your family and stay warm! 


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