Last week we talked all about Fire Safety! It was quite exciting. Mr. C made a big loud impression on our class. He talked about the importance of not being afraid of fire fighters who are there to help. He had all his gear and made an awful lot of noise to prove his point. He was nice enough to bring hats and SMOKE detectors for each child. THANKS FIREMAN MARK!
(If you have a talent you would like to share throughout the year, let me know what it is because the children love guests!)
For the last 2 weeks of October, we will be exploring NOCTURNAL animals and Spiders. I know, I know! You are all dying to come in and see what creepy stuff we will be doing,but I promise nothing will be too scary! Ask your child about the word Nocturnal and hopefully by Friday,they will be able to list a few types of nocturnal animals.
We had Science with DF and his assistant Mrs. F. I missed it, but I hear that it was great fun. They made bubble art. It was actually so neat, it is hanging in the hall. This week,we have Science with JA.
This week in religion, we switch from Moses to Jonah and the whale. The children will be learning about how even though some people are not the nicest,God reminds us we are all His children and we should do our very best to help, even when it is hard.
I am sure your child has mentioned wearing pjs to school. Those that brought in pennies for pies by Oct. 26th will get a note with jammie plans for Halloween. Thanks for helping!
Finally, last week, we decorated our annual ornaments that will be hung up at the HIP! They are penguins and will go up Nov. 17. I will let you know our approximate location when I know. This week for our artist, we will be talking about Toulouse-Lautree. He was famous for large event posters. I can't wait to see what prek comes up with for their signage!
Until next week, stay warm and check in with your child about their day!
Tanya Boyle
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