Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's been a busy month...

Have you been out enjoying the weather? I surely have!  The kids have been running around and soaking up the sun.  This is Chicago though, so you never know what tomorrow will bring.

This week was the Week of the Young Child.  If your child is in school, I am sure you heard all about it.  They probably did some engaging activities and read some "FUNTASTIC" stories.  Make sure you do this at home too.  Learning does not stop at school, especially for young children.  They should be actively learning at home.  You can do this easily by sorting cans, counting boxes, letting them "write" while you make your to do lists etc.  Things that you might think of as silly, are actually great ways to keep a young child's mind moving.

I won't be writing until after Easter, so have a blessed holiday.  Enjoy your family and celebrate your children.  They are a gift from God.