Friday, January 27, 2012

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

This week we celebrated the Chinese New Year: The Year of the Dragon.  We watched a traditional Dragon dance, made Chinese lanterns, found China on the map and talked about reasons why they simply can not walk there.  Today, we talked about how fireworks came from China and they used artist chalk on black paper to create some amazing firework drawings.

In Religion, we continued talking about the miracles performed by Jesus.  The children have a firm grasp on this now.  We read from our bible and discussed these.  We even made a bulletin board to symbolize some of these miracles. They seemed to really enjoy learning about them.

We are finishing up our letter Kk today.  Next week we are moving on to Ll.  We have started a word wall in our room too.  The words will change each week and will be posted under the letters we have learned to date.  I encourage you to also keep a changing word wall at home! As of today we are A-K ready!  Next week we will be starting numbers more consistantly.  We will be printing, tracing, spelling and reading numbers 1-5.  What your child does will be based on his/her ability level.  ALL will be learning 1-10 in Spanish over the next 2 weeks.  We are exercising daily.  Has your child told you all about that?

Speaking of Spanish, here is a list of words we use frequently:
all colors: white, black, pink, purple, red, yellow, green, orange, blue and brown
please, thank you, hello, goodbye, sit down, stand up, very important, very hot, very good

Next WEDNESDAY is the 100th day of school!!!! PLEASE have your child finish their poster over the weekend.  These will be shared and displayed in the hall.  We will be doing all kinds "100" activities that day!!

Housekeeping: Gloves and hats EVERY DAY! Please make sure you are working with your child on their vehicle for the 10th! We are having open houses every Monday and Thursday from 9-11am.  Please spread the word and help us continue to grow strong!  Finally, please return SIGNED report card envelopes by Tuesday.

God's blessing and warm wishes for the week,

Thursday, January 19, 2012



creating our papers-selves

First day of snow

painting with colored ice

Rocket science

reviewing maps and globes for arctic locations
ice observation.  It took approximately 5 hours to melt this chunk of ice in our classroom.

Winter Rolls In...

Well, we are finishing up our unit on winter.  This week, we focused on snow and ice.  We have talked about snowflakes and what makes them individual.  We compared snowflakes to people, no one is alike!  The children learned to cut snowflakes, we used cotton and marshmallows to create snowmen.  This was a good review of big, medium and small as well as circles. Today, we read about glaciers and ice.  we viewed a glacier breaking off in Greenland and used our maps and globes to ID locations we discussed. We did formal observations with ice throughout the day.  We even painted with ice that had food coloring in it.  We discussed the properties of water vs. ice and how they transform.  It was a really awesome week for hands on learning in science and social studies.

We are beginning to talk about Jesus' miracles.  We have a board we are creating called Jesus Can Do Anything! So far we have discussed how Jesus healed the sick and fed 5000 people with just a couple of fish and a few loaves of bread.  They seem to really get that a miracle is something super special and not something that we can just do on a daily basis.  We will be discussing this topic through next week.   This SUNDAY is our turn to sing in church.  We hope you are able to come at 10:40.

Today we had ROCKET Science with E.D. and her family.  They showed what happens with baking soda and vinegar when poured into a bottle! Check out the photos for more.  The kids were very impressed.  REMEMBER TO SIGN UP FOR A DATE if you have not yet.  I just have a few families left that are signed up.  If YOU personally can't come, you can still help your child pick and practice and I will be there special grown up.  I need a date that you will be able to supply the materials.

Our letter this week and next is Kk.  Please encourage your child to point these letters out whenever you are around looking at books or the computer.  I have been very impressed with their eagerness to learn each new letter and sound. 

By now you have received your child's box and their instructions.  The newest form had a date correction.  The due date is Feb. 8th.  The Community Night is Feb. 10th.  All are invited.  Please see Mrs. Wo if you need some photo ideas.

Finally, report cards are coming home next Thursday.  Please be on the look out.  If you need a meeting, feel free to call or email.  There are no formal conferences for this report card. 

Many thanks to those that came out for Market Day.  I apologize for my absence, it was a sick weekend for me.

Stay warm!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lots of Information!

By now you have heard your child talk about Soup Opera!  This is a PREK 4 lesson is music, memorization, patience and enthusiasm.  The children saw another group of young children perform this same production and from there, we read the story and listened to the music.  Some of the children had an instant connection to a specific character, others were flexible.  In about a week, I will send home note with your child's part and "costume".  This will be something as simple as an apron, ladle, sunglasses, etc.  For now, just know it is March 1 at 9:30am in the gym.  All are welcome.  We ask that you do not arrive before 9:20 in the gym as we will be doing our last run through.  It is about 8-10 mins long and we will have cookies and juice afterwards.  You will be done by 10ish. Prek 3 will be performing NEXT year. 

Another event coming up for the 4's is the Community Night on Feb. 10th.  A note is coming home today with directions specific to your child.  3's are welcome to come and watch, but will not actually be building this year.  If there are specific questions, please see Mrs. Wo in Kindergarten or send a note and I will try to get an answer for you.

We are been using the projector a little bit.  We are waiting for the ceiling mount, but the kids are excited none the less to be able to have this tool in class. They have been cautious of it's current placement and anxiously await the day when they get to use the "magic pen".

Unfortunately, I did not see the Great America form before it went home.  This form does NOT apply to prekindergarten.  If you want to do this with your child for an extra home incentive, you can, but Mrs. Graf has informed me that they will NOT be able to earn a ticket to 6 Flags.

Market Day is this Saturday.  Remember we get $20 for our classroom if we help out.  It is 8-9:30.  Please let me know by Friday if you will be able to come.

Finally, with the snow they say... Please dress your child in snowpants, hats, gloves boots. BRING an extra pair of shoes that can stay in their back packs.  At this time, we are NOT storing shoes or snow items, so we will try to be on top of this daily, but we need your cooperation for the same.  If they are not dressed warm enough, they will not be able to go outside.  Thanks in advance for your help in this matter.

As always, thank you for sharing your children with us!
Many blessings,
Tanya Boyle

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope that you all had a restful and joyful vacation! I know I enjoyed every minute, but I am ready to see some smiling faces. I am sure the children all have great stories to share with us.

Many thanks to Mrs. Petrenko and Mrs. Vasilokolopoulous for planning our party.  Thanks to all the other parents who came to help as well as donated items for the party.  It was a great success!  The children had a great time.

This week, we will be reviewing colors, shapes, sounds etc from the first half of the year. We will be celebrating The Feast of the 3 Kings this Friday.   Next week, we will be starting Jj and talking a lot about WINTER! I know we have been without snow and that probably feels odd to most of us, but it is WINTER!

Small groups will be back in full swing starting Friday.  I have been working with groups depending on their ability level.  Some are working on fine motor basics, some are reading and some are doing math.  Science and Friend of the Week will continue next week. 

In the up coming months, we have exciting things planned.  There is a probable field trip, an opera presented by US in prek-4, a visit from a children's dentist, silly hat day, Seuss week, International week and that all all just through March.  Please be tuned for all notices and blog updates.  They will have bits of info in each that pertain to some of these events.

FINALLY... I want to thank Ms. Jennifer Schilling and SpaBark for contributing their time and service for our benefit.  We raised enough money to purchase the projector and misc. items that need to go with the projector.  It should be delivered by Thursday this week and I am VERY hopeful to have it up and running by Monday the 9th! I am so excited to be able to share this style of learning with your children.  As soon as it is up and the children are able to use it, I will post photos.

Happy New Year and Warm blessings on your family!

Some Photos of the party