Wednesday, September 28, 2011

October is on it's way!

WOW! Here we are closing up September and getting ready to start the 7th week of school.  The children are amazing.  I have seen such growth in so many of them.  I hope you are seeing it too.

We have been working on many new things. We continue to explore apples in the class through books, actual apples and art. We also introduced farms this week.  The focused color is yellow and the letter is C.  We always review sounds and letters together on the board.  You can do this at home too.  Have them tell you or point out A B and C words.  C is tricky because of the hard and soft C sounds, but what is typical is the hard C like CAT!  We also have been transitioning from just writing and talking about sentences to talking about exclamatory statements and questions.  You can write something down, read it and ask them what should go at the end.  At this point we have done it many times and many can tell you. 

Patterns and sorting continues in our math centers.  We will be working more directly with numbers by mid October.  Science is a huge hit! Tomorrow is our visit with G S and her mom.  I will post pictures and results afterwards.  The friend of the week has also been really popular.  Next week KW is our friend. 

We have been talking about faith and prayer during Jesus time.  We want the children to hear the stories that encourage these ideas, so they understand.  We are just finishing Rachel and Jacob and their new baby Joseph.  Many are starting to understand that faith is something that you can't see, but believe it in your heart.  We do the Christian Pledge as well as the Pledge of Allegiance.  Can you practice both with your child? Here is the Christian Pledge: I pledge allegiance to the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the faith for which it stands, one Saviour, eternal, with mercy and grace for all.

Finally, our field trip is Thursday of next week.  The children should dress for outside farm walking.  NO tights or nice shoes.  They should also dress for the weather, hats and even gloves if it is chilly.  We will be outside entirely.  They also need a disposable lunch.  NO containers that are to be brought home.  A Target or brown bag will suffice.  We are excited and so are they!

Until next time, if you have any questions, I am but a short email away!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Assessments are done

Just a quick note:
Now that formal assessments have been done, I am now able to see where children are ready to move on to.  Some may be in the letter recognition stage, some print, some sounds, some colors etc.  This is where I spend more time in the smaller groups and even one on one.  Most of this does take place in the afternoons as morning is more focused on special classes and instruction of new material.  I will try to always have one of my morning centers a "Mrs. Boyle" table center so I can work on this as well, but it may not be every morning.  I will send individual notes home as needed offering information for you to work on at home.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Photos of the last week

Reading to each other

Our versions of Goldie Locks

Healthy Apples.  What kinds do you like? In our class, we graphed and found out RED is the favorite followed by green.

Dr. M

Mr. C

bubble bombs!!

bubbles, progress reports, painting, gym, dancing and more!

Things are very busy in preschool. We started our Scientist of the Week today. It was with MC and Dr. Duffen???SOMETHING! aka Mr. C. They did the Bubble Bomb experiment and it really caught the attention of the class. Next week is GS. If you have not picked a date, please do and let me know so I can jot your child down on the schedule.

We have been doing a lot of gross motor work in gym. We are learning the concepts of "team work". The children are learning simple rules of big group activities and they are loving it. Mrs. Carol is doing a great job and we appreciate her efforts.

In class, we are finishing A and B, but that does not mean we will abandon them. We will begin Cc next week and throw in A and B here and there. This will be a snowball effect. We will constantly review old letters while introducing new letters. We are doing recognition and sounds for these letters. The class is split on ability, so we do the sounds together, but focus more intensely in small groups. We are working on sizing and patterns as well. You can do this at home with cans, cereal boxes, toys, clothes etc. Remember, the more you connect school to home, the more your child will retain.

Finally, field trip forms and payments are due Tuesday 9/27. If your child is not going, please send a note. They will have to stay home. We have 5-6 adults going on this trip. If you were not chosen for this trip, I hope you try for the next trip. The bus space is limited as we are going with East too. Although we will be doing the tour together, the ratio we will have is 1:4-1:5, so your child will be in good hands with individual grown ups too.

Thanks so much for your prompt replies to field trips and book orders. If you have any questions about progress reports, please feel free to email me. I only need the assessment signed and returned, you may keep the narrative.

Have a blessed weekend!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Adopt a Classroom

If you can or if you know someone who can, please pass this along. It is really for your children!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Week of September 19th

The children have really started to get the routine.  They are making new friends as well. It is really a cool thing to see all the new bonds.

We have been working on fine and large motor skills.  The children are really enjoying gym and our art class that we do on Fridays.  We have been going out for recess everyday the weather is nice.  Please remember to dress appropriately for the weather.  :et them practice putting their own coats on as this is important for a larger class group.  Also PLEASE remember gym shoes on gym days.  This is primarily for the girls who wear the mary janes.  It is not safe, nor is it good for the gym floor.  We appreciate your help in this matter. 

We are continuing with Bb and blue but now we are adding apples to the mix.  We will be graphing, comparing, sorting and much more. If time permits, we might even try to make some applesauce.  This will be one of the first parts of what we study that will lead into our field trip on Oct. 6th.  The slips are going home on Friday 9/16.  Please return them by the listed date.  We will be going with East campus prek and kindergarten classes.  It should be great fun.

In our Jesus Time, we are continuing with the story of Abraham.  Next week will introduce Sarah.  At home, you can practice prayers.  The first is actually the Christian Pledge: I  pledge allegiance to the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the faith for which it stands, one Saviour, eternal, with mercy and grace for all.

Rory was a great friend of the week.  Valentino is our next one.  The friend sits in the special chair and is able to help me out with the morning circle job.  I think the kids really like it.

Finally, our scientist of the week begins with Mallory and her dad next week! I am sure that is going to be so engaging for the children.  I will post photos soon. 

Until next week.... may you have a very blessed week!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sorry, the blog was down.

Everything is back in order.  Thanks for being patient.  Here is a quick reminder that if your child had a fine, be it .10 or more for a library book, they are not able to check out a new book.  Please send fine money to school before Friday so they can check out next week.
Tanya Boyle

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Seriously... Week 4???

When I sat down to write this, I could not believe we have been here that long already.  I hope you are seeing some of the things we are doing and talking about at HOME too! 

Next week, the 4's will start working more on the letter Bb, while the 3's continue to strengthen their fine motor skills. We are finishing up our color red and moving on to BLUE! SHHHHH it's a surprise.  We will continue working on under and over lining and I encourage you to let them do that at home.  Give them some junk mail or write something down and ask them to draw lines over or under specific things. 

We are going to start a new fairy tale next week.  Goldilocks and the 3 Bears will be next.  We will have lots of books about Bears in general.  We will always try to share a variety of versions and then talk about the similarities and differences.  They got really good at that! We will also introduce size next week and sort and compare small, medium and big things.  Try it at home with cans and boxes in your cabinets, or even with shoes!

During Jesus Time, we will be talking about Abraham and FAITH!! This word was introduced this week.  We will talk more about it next week.  Ask them to tell you about faith.

Finally, we need some things for upcoming centers.  The first is teddy bears.  These will be returned, but if you have 1 laying around that you can spare for a week or so, please send it Friday or Monday.  The next is colorful pompoms, 2 bags of lentil beans and macaroni noodles (2 boxes).  If you would like to donate, please email me.  

Until next week... God Bless!
Tanya Boyle

Friday, September 2, 2011

Some Photos

The girls recreating Little Red

Our first day of Library.  Books are due each week on Tuesday.

A bit of Aa practice at the board.

Little Reds and Wood Cutters!

Our new friends around the world center

practicing UNDERLINING

Week 2 ends and Week 3 begins!

Well, I hope you have heard great things about your child's day thus far. We are having a great time.  They love centers.  Little do they know that many of the centers we take our are FULL of learning experiences.  Today we had a center with a small globe, small wooden dolls from all over the world and a large world map! COOL right?

All have been dilegently working on the color Red.  Our stories have included different versions of Little Red Ridinghood and 3 Little Pigs.  We also learned about wolves.  We had several discussions about similiarities and differnces.  We also continue to assess the children on an individual basis.  We are watching their fine motor, social and emotional skills.   The 4's have been hard at work with the letter A! (By the way, the letter practice sheet I sent home was just for your reference in case you want to practice at home). We will continue with red and A, but Bb will be introduced late in the week. 

During our Jesus Time, we have been talking about Creation.  This week it was the first 4 days: light and dark, land and water, plants and fruits and sun, moon and stars.  Next week we will finish with days 5-7.  Make sure you are asking them who can make the trees, who can make the land? GOD CAN! GOD IS GOOD!

Picture day is Sept. 8! Back to School Night is also the 8th at 7:30pm.  Please come to see what your child has been doing thus far.  If you need a formal meeting, this night is not the time, but I would be happy to have a morning meeting with you.

Remind your child about the red/yellow/green light system. Washing hands and sneezing/coughing  in their elbow is also an important reminder.  We have had a lot of first of the year germs.  We do our best to santize, but we need your help too!

FINALLY, we are super excited to let you know that we have an additional helper on T/W/Th mornings: Mrs. Carol.  She is very excited to back working in with little ones.  We are exited to have an extra set of hands!

Until next week...thank your for sharing your children with me!
Tanya Boyle :)