Thursday, September 22, 2011

bubbles, progress reports, painting, gym, dancing and more!

Things are very busy in preschool. We started our Scientist of the Week today. It was with MC and Dr. Duffen???SOMETHING! aka Mr. C. They did the Bubble Bomb experiment and it really caught the attention of the class. Next week is GS. If you have not picked a date, please do and let me know so I can jot your child down on the schedule.

We have been doing a lot of gross motor work in gym. We are learning the concepts of "team work". The children are learning simple rules of big group activities and they are loving it. Mrs. Carol is doing a great job and we appreciate her efforts.

In class, we are finishing A and B, but that does not mean we will abandon them. We will begin Cc next week and throw in A and B here and there. This will be a snowball effect. We will constantly review old letters while introducing new letters. We are doing recognition and sounds for these letters. The class is split on ability, so we do the sounds together, but focus more intensely in small groups. We are working on sizing and patterns as well. You can do this at home with cans, cereal boxes, toys, clothes etc. Remember, the more you connect school to home, the more your child will retain.

Finally, field trip forms and payments are due Tuesday 9/27. If your child is not going, please send a note. They will have to stay home. We have 5-6 adults going on this trip. If you were not chosen for this trip, I hope you try for the next trip. The bus space is limited as we are going with East too. Although we will be doing the tour together, the ratio we will have is 1:4-1:5, so your child will be in good hands with individual grown ups too.

Thanks so much for your prompt replies to field trips and book orders. If you have any questions about progress reports, please feel free to email me. I only need the assessment signed and returned, you may keep the narrative.

Have a blessed weekend!

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