Sunday, June 9, 2013

And that's a wrap!

Wow, the year flew and now it is that time when we say goodbye! I loved all my time with you and your children.  I will make this brief and let photos speak loudly for me.  I adore my scrap book.  It was the best going away gift EVER!  I will continue this blog, but as a new journey.  It is called growing together... Even I must continue to grow.  Hug those kids for me and do lots of amazing things this summer.  Send me a photo of the sunflower they grow or of a cool science project they try.  Much love to all of you! Many well wishes for next year!
Our Ant Farm... It was released on Tuesday.

At the Zoo

End of the year Dance party

I don't want you to be sad V!

How Mrs. Boyle sews

Dandelion princess

They love their cars

they love their bugs

Don't be sad.. it is summer time!

the 3 I have had for 2 years...

All my monkeys!