Wednesday, September 28, 2011

October is on it's way!

WOW! Here we are closing up September and getting ready to start the 7th week of school.  The children are amazing.  I have seen such growth in so many of them.  I hope you are seeing it too.

We have been working on many new things. We continue to explore apples in the class through books, actual apples and art. We also introduced farms this week.  The focused color is yellow and the letter is C.  We always review sounds and letters together on the board.  You can do this at home too.  Have them tell you or point out A B and C words.  C is tricky because of the hard and soft C sounds, but what is typical is the hard C like CAT!  We also have been transitioning from just writing and talking about sentences to talking about exclamatory statements and questions.  You can write something down, read it and ask them what should go at the end.  At this point we have done it many times and many can tell you. 

Patterns and sorting continues in our math centers.  We will be working more directly with numbers by mid October.  Science is a huge hit! Tomorrow is our visit with G S and her mom.  I will post pictures and results afterwards.  The friend of the week has also been really popular.  Next week KW is our friend. 

We have been talking about faith and prayer during Jesus time.  We want the children to hear the stories that encourage these ideas, so they understand.  We are just finishing Rachel and Jacob and their new baby Joseph.  Many are starting to understand that faith is something that you can't see, but believe it in your heart.  We do the Christian Pledge as well as the Pledge of Allegiance.  Can you practice both with your child? Here is the Christian Pledge: I pledge allegiance to the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the faith for which it stands, one Saviour, eternal, with mercy and grace for all.

Finally, our field trip is Thursday of next week.  The children should dress for outside farm walking.  NO tights or nice shoes.  They should also dress for the weather, hats and even gloves if it is chilly.  We will be outside entirely.  They also need a disposable lunch.  NO containers that are to be brought home.  A Target or brown bag will suffice.  We are excited and so are they!

Until next time, if you have any questions, I am but a short email away!!

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