Saturday, December 18, 2010

December has come and is nearly over!

First off, I apologize for NOT blogging much this month.  We have been extremely busy.  Things are winding down just in time to wind back up for YOU at home with your sweet little one. 

We have finished our unit on The Elves and The Shoemaker.  The kids all loved it.  Our next unit is Jingles, poems and other rhymes.  We have already begun practicing rhyming words.  Try asking your child to make rhyming words at home.  We count nonsense words as well as conventional words.  Try to stress the end sounds so they don't get confused.  For example say tED not Ted.  Rhyming is with ending sounds.  You might hear Ten as a rhyming word, just remind them of the ED not EN sounds.

Stories and songs with Santa was a blast.  I was so excited to see all the new faces and my old favorites too.  The children seemed to have great fun.  This Tuesday, the 21, we will have our PJ and Polar Express day.  All children are invited to stay the whole day to join in on the fun!  After that, they are all yours until January 5th. 

I will blog once over vacation.  I will remind you all of upcoming January events.  The biggest news for the children is that Scientist of the week will begin the second week of January.  Our first scientist is Samantha W with her dad.  We can't wait to start this project. 

Until next year, I wish you tons of happiness and love over this holiday season.  Be safe and warm.  I can't wait to see you all back at school in 2011!!!
God Bless,


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Welcome to December

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.  I know my family enjoyed it!

December will bring many things to our little shining stars.  We have begun our unit on The Shoemaker and the Elves.  Our new focus color is green and we are working on circles and squares.  We will begin doing some basic abab patterns because there seems to be so many patterns around at this time of the year.  Ask them to show you different patterns.  You can encourage colors, but also cans, blocks, shapes, sizes like big little big little etc. 

Advent has begun.  Each Monday, we will have a prayer service and "light" one candle in the school hall.  Yesterday, I sent home a colored wreath for you to do with your child.  The candles go purple on weeks 1&2, then pink and the last candle is purple.  Try to connect school and home in the manner as well.  Also, regarding church, don't forget to bring your "MASS PORTS" to church during Advent.

The children are starting to spend more time in their new "groups".  We hope that the classroom is ready the week of December 13 sometime.  We have already seen the huge benefits of these smaller groups for the children.  Remember, I will continue to do the Rowland program with all the older 4s and 5s while Ms. Kim will work with the 3's and young 4s.  This will be daily for about 20 minutes.  The gym classes will be seperate, but Spanish, Art and Library will continue to be together. 

We just celebrated Victoria F's birthday. Our next is Olivia on Dec. 9.  If your child comes home with extra snacks or with their snacks not eaten, that is because someone has brought in a birthday snack. 

As always, stay warm and be happy!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Before I forget... Thanks to all that helped to support CMH and RMH! Wait until you see the photos.  It was overwhelming. 
We need to remember daily how blessed we all are.  Times are tough and sometimes health gets shaky, but we have so much to be thankful for.  Perhaps you can say a daily prayer of thanks at dinner. Our snack prayer is:

"We fold our hands and softly say, thank you for our food today."  The children know and understand this prayer. 

I do hope that you are reading to your child or even singing or telling stories.  Children do so much better in school when they have these listening activities at home as well.  If your child does not yet have a library card, try to get there over Thanksgiving to have them get their very own card.  If a child can write their name, they can have a card.  They can go and "shop around" their own book choices.  It is very exciting to a small child.  I am sure most have read 10 books by now. If you have, please return that USA book pledge by Dec. 17 so we can submit them as a class and Scholastic can donate books to less privileged children.

God Bless you all during this, our first family holiday of the year. 

Mrs. Tanya  

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

As Thanksgiving approaches

Let us remember what we are thankful for.  We are talking all about Thanksgiving.  We are talking like pilgrams and learning about the Native Americans that lived in Plymouth.  In all of that, we are also talking about family and how blessed we are for having families.  We talk about how some people are without that very important thing.  We thank God for our family and for our food, our homes, school, friends etc.  Please remind them of those things not just this time of year, but all year round.

Don't forget next Tuesday is our Family luncheon.  Please sign up for a dish if you have done so.  We will start lunch at noon. There is no edp that day, so if you are unable to come for the lunch make arrangements to pick your child up by 1pm.

Finally, don't forget to order your tickets for the TANGLED event on Nov. 28th.  You can see any showtime that day.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

November News

This week we have a shadow day for incoming prek and kindergarten students.  If you know anyone, PLEASE send them our way.  We would love to have some new friends this year or for them to sign up for next year! If they can't come this week on the 11th, next week on the 17th is yet another day to bring a friend.

We are so busy lately.  I apologize for not sending a blog last week.  We have been working on Ee, Ff, in and out.  The students worked together as a whole group to create a classroom book on the SMARTboard!  They came up with the title, the characters and the story line.   This will be printed and each child will have a chance to take it home to share.  PLEASE keep it one night then return it.  I encourage you to fold some paper and staple it together and leave a few on a table with a pencil.  The children LOVE to write stories and this is something they can do with little to no help from an adult.  Don't ask them "what is this? or what does it say?" Instead, say to them "Can you read your story to me?"  This will give their work great value.

We are working on families over this week and next.  Please send a family photo by THURSDAY Nov. 11.  This will be displayed, so if it precious, please make a copy.  Don't forget Mrs. A's art scavenger hunt.  It is so much more fun than just going to the store to buy something.  Also, a big thanks to all who have or continue to donate during this giving season.  We all know times are very hard.  It is even harder for families with very ill children who are stuck "living" in hospitals for weeks and months.  Our last day for collecting is Nov. 12.

Finally, your time slot for parent teacher report cards was sent home.  Please return signed and if you are unable to make it, we will schedule another day after Thanksgiving if you would like.

God Bless!
Tanya :)
adding the yummy ingredients

Making slime swamps to eat
The Whole Gang
Our scavenger hunt

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

November already???

There has been a lot going on as usual!  We are working on La Tortuga, the color yellow, circles and the letters Ee and Ff.  We will also shift in to talking about fall, the cycle of a tree and start to change our classroom tree to depict fall.  We are also super excited because we will be attending All Saints Mass on Monday.  This will be preschool's first mass of the school year. 

We made giant christmas tree ornaments for the HIP.  You will see them hanging up starting mid November.  We will let you know our spot when we find out.  They did a great and creative job.

Friend of the week has been a great success.  The kids are doing a great job coming up with thing that represent what they love.  Remember to use the one gallon ziplock that I sent home along with 3 things that can fit into it.  Photos, drawings, small toys etc are all acceptable.

Also, just a heads up that our family Thanksgiving potluck is at noon on the 23.  Parent Teacher conferences  are on the 24th.  There is no school the 24-26th. 

Have a great weekend.  Stay warm and safe out there on the candy trails~!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

This Week

We are off to a very energetic week! We continue to talk about pumpkins and gourds.  We are even going to carve our own class pumpkin! I hope your child came home and told you about our scarecrow "Skippy John Applesee".  He will stay with us through Thanksgiving.  We continue to work on A-D in class.  We are just about with our unit on The Three Bears.  Our next unit is La Tortuga, an instant favorite.

Next week is going to be very exciting.  We have ambulance and fire trucks coming for a hands on experience to round up fire safety month.  We will be visiting our friends at Central Baptist on Thursday too.  Friday is our in school party.  We will not be wearing costumes, but halloween colors/shirts are welcome.  More information to come on all those things.

Finally, I would like to say that I have had some time off here and there for some medical testing.  Mr. Tom, Ms. Kim and I have been as consistant as possible with keeping the classroom working the same as if I were still in the room.  I felt I needed to mention this briefly in case your child mentioned it at home.  I appreciate your understanding.  Your child is my number one concern at The Academy!

God Bless and Enjoy the day.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Here a pumpkin, There a pumpkin...

I know the weather is totally confusing all of us, but it is OCTOBER!!! WOW!
We are talking a lot about pumpkins and gourds over the next 2 weeks.  Our math and science centers will revolve around pumpkins, leaves, pinecones, acorns and other fall type items. We continue to work on Big, Medium and Small as a major concept.  Again, have them organize your cereal or cans by height.  That is a great way to practice that concept.  We are working on the color blue and the letters Cc and Dd.  Again, in preschool, it is about letter recognition, not sounding out or spelling.  Some will naturally pick that up and that is a bonus. 

You may be wondering about our Religion.  Well, we pray daily and work on the correct way to pray.  We have also been focusing on the idea that they are special and that God created them to be special people with special talents.  We will continue with that theme through mid November.  We will shift at that point outwards to other people, needs etc. 

One last note is regarding Our special friend of the week this week: Mateo! Mateo loves to explore the room.  His favorite centers are science table and the knights and castles.  He loves to tell us all about the fun stuff he does with his family. 

As always, my door is open.  If you have a question, email me at

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Great kids stuff to check out

These vendors were at the fair and were great for kids:
Hazel Brown Designs

Puddle Jumpers Photography!/pages/Naperville-IL/puddle-jumpers-photography/118771294815776?ref=ts

Babies N Beds!/babiesnbeds?ref=ts

Stacey M Designs

The other vendors were super too.  We appreciate all that stopped by.  This was a fundraiser for the school.  If you didn't get a chance buy, check out their websites and tell them you heard about them from us!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Upcoming Week:

We have begun The 3 Bears this last week.  We will be focusing on the color blue in addition to red.  We are working on circles, squares, underlining and the concepts of same and different.  Fine motor skills development is very important at this age.  Have them practice with scissors at home if your child has not yet mastered that skill.  Just remind the child to hold them correctly and they "open, close, open, close".   We are also praying daily.  Practice the sign of the cross with them, the actions and the words.

Thursday is Grandparents Day.  We ask that ONLY grandparents or a special aunt or friend come to visit.  Parents get to come all the time.  This is a day to bring in a new family member to share in your child's experience. 

Thanks and God Bless!

An exciting week has come and gone. Take a peek at our field trip!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Stars Are Shining!

I have several pictures I want to post. However, I thought let's have you be surprised when you come in this Thursday night for Parent Night. The room is started to get filled up with beautiful work done by your child. The children are learning the layout of the room, the routine and the rules. We are still working on NO running and inside voices, but it's starting to set in. Remind your child to have a GREEN DAY!

This week we start our Special Friend of the Week. Our first friend is Olivia. Olivia loves to tell great stories about her friends and her favorite Star Wars characters. She also enjoys drawing us wonderful pictures that she always wants us to make "2" of so one can stay at school and one can go home. Friends of the week should bring their "me bags" back on Thursday. I sent a bag and directions home roughly 1 week ago.

Next Tuesday is our field trip. Obviously all children who pay are able to stay the full day. Half day parents should pick up at 3pm. Be sure to send a disposable lunch and drink. We can't have reusable water bottles or thermos' that day.

One last note is regarding illness. If your child has a fever or is throwing up, they must be fever free for 24 hours before returning. If you child seems very weak, sick, please evaluate whether or not to send them. We have a lot of germies going around and we want them all to feel better. Encourage them to cough into their elbows, use tissues, hand sanitizer nose picking. "EWWW, I can't believe Mrs. Tanya put that in here" right? However, it is a habit and they need to be gently reminded to stop for nose bleeds and most importantly germies.

Thanks so much and I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday night at 7pm.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

As you prepare for a new year...

Take a peek at this article. It is very true and very helpful to remember. I can't wait to see everyone in a couple of weeks! Enjoy the end of summer.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Last butterfly!!!

We were able to visit with this last little guy before he took flight. He is the one we re-netted and decided to keep due to lack of flying ability. We named him Fuzzy Wuzzy the Butterfly.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Friends are the best!

We let our butterflies fly away. Well, all but one which was not up to par. He will stay with us until he goes to butterfly heaven. I will post photos asap!

This week we are focusing on friendship. We ALWAYS talk about being a good friend, but this week all our art, work and books will all have a friendship focus. You may see things addressed to your child's cousin or neighbor friend etc. That is because your child found that person to be their good friend. Please be sure to share any pictures or whatever we send home.

We celebrated Adam's summer birthday last week and we will celebrate Adam's summer birthday this Thursday. There is no need for snack that day.

Please say a little prayer for our friend Macie. She broke her arm this weekend. It looks like she may need surgery to repair it. She will be out for the rest of the week at least.

Finally, there are still a few spots left for our summer program. It will be loads of fun. If you are interested, see Mrs. Clarke or Mrs. Hodge.

Take care and God Bless!!

Mrs. Tanya

Monday, May 10, 2010


Well, it is official, our caterpillars have changed into pupa, chrysallis and now they have emerged as lovely painted ladies. We will keep them until Monday when we will release them. Above are some shots prior to today. I will get the butterflies up asap! Our 3 week long lesson on different bugs will come to an end this week and it could not have been more exciting. We even had a picnic outside and were more than happy to invite some ants, but there were no takers!!

This week we started Peter and the Wolf. We are talking about sounds of music and how you might feel during certain instrumental pieces of music that go along with that story. The 4's and 5's have also started discussing the concepts of more and less as well as making triangles.

Continue to expose your child to their last name. A lot of the older children are getting better at writing their last names. The younger ones are good at recognition, right where they need to be.

Finally, we have begun working on preparations for our end of the year program. We truly hope ALL our students can make it as they will play a big role in the overall success of the show. Please let us know ASAP if you know your child will not be in attendance. Also, if you plan on pulling your child out of school before the last day of school, PLEASE alert me ASAP as to the date and reason so we can document and have the report cards done on time.

Thanks much and as always....God Bless!
Tanya :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Well, we have bugs in our room. Don't fret! It's a good thing. We have caterpillars that have just begun the metamorphosis process. We have been talking about the life cycle of these great creatures as well as doing various art, math and science projects revolving around them. This week we will continue with the butterflies, but we will include bees, ants, crickets and more. They will be little entomologists. Just ask them some of the big words they have learned.

Our weeks are flying by! We have but a few left, so we will begin celebrating some of our summer birthdays next week. Please check your child's folder daily for information.

Finally, if you have not seen the video, it is posted on facebook under the academy of st. priscilla at divine savior.

Enjoy the warm weather. We really enjoy seeing them romp around after school. I know your kids appreciate you letting them spend those last few minutes with their friends.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Some fun stuff to do with the litte ones....

Super cute and very local children's museum in Oak Park:

Peggy Notebart Nature Museum Family Programs (nights, weekends)

Brunch with the Bunny (5 & under w/adult)
Kids will experience an unforgettable time with friends and the Bunny! This family-friendly event includes: Healthy Brunch * Egg Hunt * Craft Project * Entertainment * Face Painting * and more! Don’t forget to bring your camera to take a photo with the Bunny!

Date: 03/25/10
Start Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Schedule Notes: For ages 5 & under (w/adult) - Space is limited...Advance-sale tickets, only (no tickets available at the door)
Cost: $10 per person
Location : Merrimac Park

What Is an Animal?
Friday March 12, 2010 from 9:00am - 5:00pm
Field Museum of Natural History

Animal Encounters
Friday March 12, 2010 from 9:00am - 5:00pm
Shedd Aquarium

Friday, February 12, 2010

Differernt things to do with your children....

How about a short play geared towards children?

love kids music?

The Art Institute is free this month

100 Days of School?

That's right. Yesterday we celebrated our 100th day of school. It was great fun to count to 100, come up with 100 words, do 100 different exercises and see all the creative ways that the children and their families made 100 Days of School posters.

This week we also celebrated Nicholas' 5th birthday, Valentines Day and we had our Safety Town Visit. WOW that is a lot of fun. Next week we will have just as much fun. We have NO school on Monday, Tuesday is Mardi Gras, Wednesday is Maddie's birthday as well as Ash Wednesday. Parents are welcome to join us at noon for mass. Thursday is our fun-tastic field trip to the Kohl Children's Museum and Friday...we are back to normal.

Enjoy your long weekend.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Need a Fun Valentine's Day activity???

Check out this yummy treat my sister put together with her kiddos!

It is kid friendly for both the activity and the taste!