Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Friends are the best!

We let our butterflies fly away. Well, all but one which was not up to par. He will stay with us until he goes to butterfly heaven. I will post photos asap!

This week we are focusing on friendship. We ALWAYS talk about being a good friend, but this week all our art, work and books will all have a friendship focus. You may see things addressed to your child's cousin or neighbor friend etc. That is because your child found that person to be their good friend. Please be sure to share any pictures or whatever we send home.

We celebrated Adam's summer birthday last week and we will celebrate Adam's summer birthday this Thursday. There is no need for snack that day.

Please say a little prayer for our friend Macie. She broke her arm this weekend. It looks like she may need surgery to repair it. She will be out for the rest of the week at least.

Finally, there are still a few spots left for our summer program. It will be loads of fun. If you are interested, see Mrs. Clarke or Mrs. Hodge.

Take care and God Bless!!

Mrs. Tanya

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