I hope you are warm and toasty at home. I decided to put some indoors fun ideas for you all to do while the weather continues to be frightful!
1. Play bingo with letters or numbers, clap out words as we are practicing syllables or make rhyming games up.
2. Make some "snow". How?
8 cups of flour and 1 cup of baby oil
Mix. That's it. It is awesome fun and your hands smell lovely. :)
3. Make Frozen Bubbles! Check the link below
4. Create your own game. Have the children come up rules that you write down and try to follow.
5. Paint with ICE! Add food coloring to water and freeze in small cubes with Popsicle sticks. When they are frozen they become automatic paint "brushes". It has a water color effect.
6. Stained Glass Windows. Tape clear contact paper onto the window. Allow children to tear different color tissue paper and stick to the contact paper. Encourage them to be creative!
GOOD LUCK and Have fun .
Great activities for these frigid days!