Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Month of Blessings and Thanks

I feel like November always seems to get forgotten and it is one of my favorite months.  I love the celebration of blessings and family.  I hope that the children are getting that these last couple of weeks as we have been focusing a lot on both of those things.  We talked about the many blessings we have in life.  We talked about being thankful for all we have, going beyond just family and friends.  It may seem a little rough, but we talked about how some people go without food, shoes, clean water and even school.  We agreed that those things are all GREAT blessings in our lives and we should be thankful daily!

Regarding family, the quilt looks great.  We read patchwork quilt and talked about the tradition of quilting.  We also talked about different families other than our blood relatives.  We are a prek family, an OLV family and we even have a church family.  The instagram videos are GREAT.  I loved hearing them say the states, point them out and be so excited about it.  We showed the videos on Friday and then pinned the locations on the map in our classroom.

Speaking of Instagram, I LOVE using this tool.  The children love seeing the videos at the end of the week when we get to discuss the similarities and differences that they all came up with for their assignments.  PLEASE remember to submit the video, not just a photo.  Sometimes I will ask for a photo, but thus far they have all been videos.  If you send it directly to me, that is fine, but it doesn't show up on my instagram feed and I can't share it.  So, I do prefer you just post and tag me @mrsboyleprek.  I also appreciate you learning this new tool.

We have been doing a tons of patterns, rhyming and this week we even started with alliteration.  Please be sure to ask them to show you some patterns at home.  Have them create a variety to show you they really are understanding the concept.  Rhyming is a word pattern or word family.  Give them a starter word and listen to them go.  Finally Alliteration is so fun.  Think tongue twister.  We started this on Thursday and will continue using this the rest of the year.  Everything we learn builds on to a new skill, it is never taught then forgotten. 

We finished our STAR Assessments this week.  Those results will be discussed on report card pick up day.  I did small groups and made it relaxed so no one would feel any stress of a "test".  We said it was a little test game to see how 57 days smarter looks! (58,59th day respectively) That made them feel good because we talk about what day of school it is, count it and say we feel 59 days smarter etc...

Finally a bit of housekeeping:
1.  PLEASE send hat, gloves and scarves daily.  We go out unless it is below 25 and or raining.
2.  REMEMBER church this Wednesday.  The children have been practicing hard at school, I hope at home as well.  If you are coming to church, be there by 8:15.
3.  Friday is PT conference day.  If you can't make it, send me an email to reschedule.
4.  Tuesday is Thanksgiving Luncheon.  Please RSVP to the office asap.  Dismissal will be 1:30ish. 
5.  Don't forget to share the good work here at OLV.  We know it is getting close to parents starting to look for schools and re-register.  We hope you have been super happy and will continue to help us expand!

Many thanks and blessings to you and your family this Thanksgiving!
Mrs. Boyle

ps... there will be a video instagram this week and photo instagram over Thanksgiving.

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