Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Blessings are everywhere!

We are learning about how much God loves us and how he is always with us in our hearts.  It is important that they feel that and that they don't just think it is just during Church.  They are very sweet when they explain this concept.  Ask them about it.

The next couple of weeks, we will be tying up The Elves and the Shoemaker.  This was a great unit.  It was filled with all kinds of new concepts.  The best concept is top, middle and bottom.  We have been able to apply this in our play centers and our work centers.  We have even been able to use it while working on writing our letters.  Right now we are up to Hh! We will just review our current letters, concept and position words from now through Christmas. Continue to review and even practice write these over break. We will pick up our next unit after New Years.

We are working on number identification.  If you have an ipad/ipod or other tablet device, there are many free prek number games that will help them.  Rote counting is DIFFERENT than number identification.  Many can count, but the identification is the harder lesson to learn.  Practice this at home in a variety of ways.  You can do tablets, point out numbers on menus, porches or even in books and magazines.  This will be perfect for over break.

In December, we have 2 awesome dates to share. The 16th, we will be joining Sunday School students singing for their Lessons in Carols program.  This is a 10:45 service.  Please be in attendance with your child in their best clothes.  On the 19th, Prk-4th will present: Jubilee: A Christmas Program.  This takes place in church at 6pm.  We will be working hard learning songs and practicing with the big kids for this program. Please be at school at 5:30 with them in their best clothes.

Don't forget to order those Christmas books and presents online from  Our classroom code is K23RT.  You get a $5 coupon and the class gets a $3 coupon. The Christmas deadline is Dec. 10.

Finally, please continue to work with your child on controlling little buggy germs.  'Tis the season for illness.  We practice 1st thing hand washing before the bell in the morning as well as after blowing noses and coughing into their hands.  We also want to continue going outside at least once a day until the weather is below 20 degrees.  This will help them get some fresh air which is essential for health.  Make sure they are dressed appropriately.  I would discourage a lot of dress/skirt outfits at this point unless they have pants underneath.  It gets chilly.

I will post some recent photos.  I apologize for being a bit delayed this month.  They will be up by Friday.

God's blessings on your week!
Tanya Boyle

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