Wednesday, May 16, 2012


That is my word this week! The children have been doing some amazing things! We are working on our chapel service for May 30th.  The Theme is Lend Me an Ear! The children are learning about talking about God and listening when others share His Good Word.  We are trying to run through the service and songs daily.  If your child has a part, be sure to practice at home with your child.  We want to make sure all are comfortable up in front.

Our last artist was Vincent Van Gogh and we tried to recreate Starry Night.  It was hard, but they tried.  This week we talked about Georges Seurat and Pointillism.  This was a cool concept.  The children really loved going up to the board very closely to see the pixels and then step away to get an amazing painting right before their eyes.  It was a great lesson in perspective also. 

Eric Carle is our subject of discussion this week.  He is a wonderful children's author and illustrator.  His work has inspired our art and our word work this week.  The children learned all about ALLITERATION, ask them! They really love that word and making up sentences to reinforce the meaning.

Spanish is coming along nicely.  We are up to 15, with some ease.  We have a song is Spanish that reinforces counting.  A good idea to see if they know their numbers and colors in Spanish is to point to the number or color and ask for it "EN ESPANOL".  Some have mastered more like days of the week and polite conversation.  I am super proud of how they remember when asked and even in situations when I forget to ask!

Months of the year along with their order is our final new big concept.  We will be doing this daily along with days of the week that will be asked out of order.  That is really how you know a child has learned a letter, word or concept.  You isolate the skill/letter in question and ask them about it.  For example, point out specific letters like p and q one at a time and ask for an ID.  Point to different months or days or numbers and ask for them randomly.  The kids LOVE being quizzed. :)

Poetry and we FINISH the alphabet!  We have come so far and learned so many AMAZING things this year.  I hope you see them shine as brightly at home as we see them during the day!

A couple of final housekeeping items:
1. Due to school dress code, please do not allow your child to wear shorts.  If anything changes, I will keep you informed.  pants and skirts and dresses must be knee length or lower.

2. Field trip money is due by May 23.  I sent home a note about looking for a couple more chaperons.  This will be a first come basis due to limited bus space.

3. Our end of the year celebration will be June 6th.  Please try to attend.  There will be a short slideshow of our year, songs, certificates and snacks!  It means a lot to us to be able to share this day with you.  It should be about 45 mins- 1 hour.  You will also take home all of your child's art and portfolio items at that time.  Friday June 8th is a full day with closing chapel in the afternoon.  If your child will not be present, that is ok.  I just need to know by June 4 so I can prepare their stuff earlier. 

May God continue to bless and keep you!
Tanya Boyle :)

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