Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hark The Herald Angels Sing...

Advent has begun.  We start this season with ANGELS obviously! We talked a lot about Advent as the time when we get ready for Jesus' birthday.  We have a class advent wreath similar to the one that was sent home.  Also, feel free to color the stars of their advent calendar on their folders for the days we are not in school.  Angel Gabriel has also been a focus this week.  Ask your child what good news he brought Mary!

Gg and Hh were introduced this week.  Although we will primarily focus on the hard g sound as in gum, they were introduced to soft g because we have a couple of Gianna's so we needed to explain that.  As we do these letters, we are doing the beginning sounds.  As always, during dinner, story times etc, ask them for words that start with that letter of the week or ask them to find the letter on a box or in a book etc.

Our room is beginning tolook a lot like Christmas.  We put our tree up together yesterday.  The kids were very excited.  As the season continues, we will add our own decor to the room.  It is a time of preparation and that is indeed what we shall do.  All of our books and projects will revolve around this most blessed season. We have also begun preparations for our parts in LUSA's telling of the birth of Christ on Dec. 19th at 6pm. 

By now, their spanish is getting much more accurate.  We know Please, thank you , hello, goodbye, sit down, stand up, black, white, brown, yellow, blue, red, orange, purple!! I know I am missing some more we use daily too.  I am very proud of how they are reminding me of different words each day.

Science was fun with magnets.  The kids learned about the north and south poles and how different things attract each other and some repel or fight each other. It was a really fun and easy experiment to try at home too.  Photos are coming. 

Finally, the grooming fundraiser has great potential for success.  Please pass on the information to those who have dogs. Encourage them to make appointments.  We are very excited that Bark Chicago is doing this for us. 

Until next week, have a blessed weekend!

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