Thursday, October 27, 2011

The end of the 1st Quarter is here!

Can you believe it? Here we are the end of the 1st quarter.  I have seen such growth in your children.  I hope you have seen it too. They are feeling confident and proud of their work too.  I simply LOVE this age.  You see so much in such a little time.

We have been continuing our work in integrating some basic Spanish.  They love to throw in a color or quiz me on occassional words.  We will do this all year.  By then end of the year, they should have quite the phrase vocabulary.

Ee, Black, rhyming patterns of -at and -op words have been this weeks focus.  If you have 5 minutes each night, play the rhyming game.  Ask them to tell you rhyming words for those patterns.  They can ABSOLUTELY be made up at this age.  I have been really proud of them these last 2 weeks. I do write them too so the older ones in particular pay attention to the rhyme pattern.

Nocturnal.  Ask your child what that means.  They should not only KNOW the definition, but be able to tell you 3-4 animals that fit into that category.  They love talking about this subject.  They love learning BIG new words.  Embrace and encourage vocabulary at home. They can and do understand and learn to use these words correctly.

We have been talking about Moses this week.  This will carry over into next week when we talk about Moses and the 10 commandments.  As of now they know he had to be hidden because the Pharoah declared NO baby boys to be born.  We discussed why as well.  We continue to practice the Christian pledge.  After Christmas we will be doing Luther's Morning Prayer.  Some have already begun reciting from listening to the prayers in the am. 

Science was Flubber today.  Pics of that will go up later.  The kids LOVED it.  Anything goey is great fun.

Next week is P/T conferences.  If you have not signed up, please do.  They are Thursday afternoon and evening and Friday morning until 1:45.  If you cannot make it, email me for a different morning before 8:30. 

Finally Monday we will wear pajamas.  We encouraged all children to donate a few coins for our pennies for pies collection.  Since we are doing so well, we decided to reward them/you with a pj day.  It is halloween and we are not "celebrating".  We will have a small fall fest on November 15th.  More info to come.

I think that is all for now.  Until next week....

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