Sunday, May 29, 2011

Moldy, Mushy May! What to do?? What to do???

This rain has been so depressing! I hope you and your child have been able to stay active some how.  I am sorry I have been away from the blog for a couple of weeks, but I have been busy applying and interviewing for a new exciting position in the fall.  This past week, I was offered a Prek position at a local private school 10 mins or so from home.  I am very excited and thankful for this new beginning.  I plan on continuing to educate more amazing little ones starting in August! I know my summer will be full of busy days as I prepare for the next journey God is sending me on. 

With that being said... here are some cute ideas to keep you busy at home.  Some of these are ideas I have seen or used in the past.  They are really fun and resourceful.

Do you have a lot of colorings, paintings or other lovely pieces of art from your creative little one???

Looking to make a keepsake for your child or their teacher? Check this out.  It is a canvas where the adult writes the name of the school and the year.  The kids all sign their own name.  Then you can modge podge or schilack it.

How about a clever idea for displaying your child's books? I know that I will be doing this in my new classroom.  The books can clearly be see by their front cover.  This is a great summer project.

How about a summer Fairy Garden...OUTSIDE???

Don't forget the library passes!! The new Dunning Branch is open and I am sure there are a variety available.  Museums are an important extension of your child's education.

Until next time, stay busy and enjoy the sunshine.  I will be back soon!

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