1. Lay a long piece of paper down in the yard. Put a couple of dished of paint and let your child walk paint all the way down the paper.
2. Make some moondough using 8 cups of flour and 1 cup of baby oil. It is a blast and it smells yummy!
3. Let them paint with shaving cream! Add some tempera paint for color.
4. IF you have a slide in your yard, put paper on the slide and get a koosh ball or other ball and a couple of plates of paint. Stick the ball in different paints and rolls them down the slide! Super silly fun.
5. Make a bird feeder out of a toilet paper tube, peanut butter and roll it on a plate of bird seed. Then put a hole in it and hang from a tree.
6. PLANT something! Let them take care of a plant, a veggie or whatever. Give them something to water daily.
7. If you don't have a sandbox, which I personally don't even like, but sand in a large, under the bed bin! Take it out side. Put water in it or keep it dry, let them decide. You don't need fancy toys, just a spoon an old cup and maybe a bowl.
8. Make some chocolate Clay! Messy and Delish! 1 can of chocolate frosting, 1 small jar of peanut butter and enough powdered sugar to take out the sticky factor, usually 3-4 cups. PLAY then EAT!
9. Build a sprinkler / bike wash out of pvc pipes. Have the kids design something, run to the Home Depot and get the pvc, plumbers putty and put it together. Hook it up to the hose and you have a nifty sprinkler or "bike wash" for all the kids to keep cool.
10. Make a family pizza together and stay in to watch a movie. Everyone gets to do something: crust, cheese, toppings, timer, cut, etc. Add a salad and enjoy the A/C
HOPE YOU ARE HAVING FUN, Whatever you do with your children.