Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Brush those teeth!

We have lots of fun stuff going on this week regarding dental health.  At home, you can let them use an old toothbrush to paint.  It is a great utensil and it allows them to practice brushing!  Talk to them about what foods and drinks and habits are great for good teeth.  They will start telling you all about it.

Something simple and exciting we will be adding to our class next week are ISPY bottles.  I came across this and thought you might be interested in adding this to your home.  They are simple and very engaging.  You and your child could do this together.

If you have not yet returned your international week form, please consider volunteering your time.  So far, Mexico will be present. We need MORE! The children LOVE to learn all about different cultures and countries. 

Finally, Next week is one of my favorite weeks...DR. SEUSS WEEK! We will be not only reading a TON of his books, but we will be making little passports, hats, projects, making and eating green eggs and toast with green butter (green ham is too yucky for them!) and much more.  Ask them each day about Dr. Seuss and try to take them to the library to pick out a Dr. Seuss book they don't have at home. 

God Bless and be warm.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day and 100th Day!

I hope you all survived the Great Blizzard of 2011 without many sore backs.  As I am sure you have seen, our field has been taken over by Norridge as a SNOW DROP zone.  It will be many weeks before we will have access to this field.  As the weather is slowly improving, please send them in boots and snow pants so we can go outside and be warm enough.  We will play on the other field behind the school.  The children really need to get out and burn some energy and kill some germies.

That brings me to my second point, GERMIES.  The school seems to have quite a little fever/sore throat bug going around.  I try my best to disinfect toys, tables and supplies on a very regular basis, but illness is sometimes inevitable.  PLEASE a.  keep your child home if they are exhibiting signs of very bad sore throats/ coughs and weakness and especially with any fever and b. remind them of good germ warefare! The best is the use of tissues, sneezing and coughing in the elbow and washing hands. 

This week we celebrate, love, the 100th day of school and good nutrition.  We will have a small party preschool tomorrow to celebrate Valentines and the 100th day.  We postponed because of loosing 2 days for snow.  Each child who brought a box to decorate will bring that home full of goodies from their friends.  If they don't have a box, they will have a large ziplock bag, so be on the look out. 

We will be talking about good food choices all week.  Try to ask them at home what are some good foods and what are some junkie foods.  Good games to play would be a food sort by nutritional value, color, size or type.  This can be done while you are making dinner.  Have them draw their favorite foods or create a healthy menu for dinner one night this week.  That could be exciting and very interesting.  If you do, shoot me an email about what they came up with.

As always, God bless and don't slip on the ice. :)
